Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Identity Theft

What can you do about it.  Watch this slide show and you will see some revealing answers.  More to come.

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Web 2.0

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Sunday, January 20, 2008

List of Blogs I own or Control

These are the current blogs which I publish to on a regular basis when I'm not pre-occupied with other projects. As you can see I've gained quite a major list of Online Real Estate Holdings.

Bargain Basement Blog

Bargains and how to find them. Whatever I can find about bargains as well as offering my own bargains will be listed here.

Cyber Power Software Blog

This is where I post reviews and information about software that I have tested and found to be very useful. Cyber Power Software web site offers many free downloads and will be offering many more in the future. At least that is the plan.

Flying Ford Boston Terriers

Bet you can't guess what this blog is about? Yep it is about Boston Terriers and those who raise them.

Golden Arrow Kennels Blog

Showcase site for Golden Arrow Kennels and their Golden Retrievers

High Stakes Game

Showcase blog for the new series of books by the same name

June's Recipe for Life Blog

A personal blog about a wonderful woman. God Bless her

Mattole California Blog

Showcase blog for a book about the Mattole Watershed and how it got its names. For those who are not familiar with Mattole ... this is where the Salmon swim upstream to spawn.

Nite Owl's Blog

Personal blog for my good friend Levi who loves the nite.

Oregon Grass Blog

Showcase blog for Medical Marijuana in Oregon and around the country.

Reduce Your Pain

Blog is a place where information on how to reduce your pain ... whatever type of pain it is can be found and discussed.

Scum Aware

We all need to be aware of the Scum that prowls the Internet and the Scum software that is offered as well.

Technology Today

Showcase for all things new to technology.

Thom's Little Corner of Earth.

Where I lash out and ramble about whatever comes to my mind. Some things that actually makes sense and others that only I fully understand but then this is my little corner of earth.

Truck Songs Blog

Showcase for Country Western Truck Driving Songs

Search Big Daddy Blog Landing

Advertising at it's best and no it can not be posted to through an external blog manager. This site requires a personal sign in so that they can register the Advantage Points (advertising dollars) for your post.

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Something new

I found something new and just had to write about it.  Windows Live Writer not only makes it easier to control your blog empire but it comes with a huge list of plug ins to make the post that much more interesting.


I've added a few of the 77 that I saw listed.

a thrift score 003
Here is a Flicr image based on a search for bargains uploaded by anyone.

Blogger doesn't support file uploads but there are blogging sites that do.


This is using the Polaroid type inserting of a photo.  Adds a little something to the photo don't you think?

The last plug in that I downloaded and installed is a web site screen capture tool. Some adjusting may need to be done but it sure beats just using flat links like Roll Back Rx Saves the Day


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Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Why is Marijuana Illegal?

America's first marijuana law was enacted at Jamestown Colony, Virginia in 1619. It was a law ORDERING farmers to grow Indian hempseed. You could be jailed for NOT growing hemp during times of shortage in Virginia between 1763 and 1767, and during most of that time, hemp was legal tender (you could even pay your taxes with hemp -- try that today!)

read more | digg story

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Screen Capture Reviews

I downloaded & tested 5 programs but only one of them is worth mentioning.  It has 2 versions. 

Free Version

While this program may not have all the extra controls that paid versions have it will do the job for most needs. I can highly recommend this program. Since this is the program that I am going to keep I have set the program to save to a specific folder and even changed the type of file that it was saving as from a GIF type file to a JPG type file.  I noted that it also has BMP as a choice.  For being a free program it is well worth the time to download and install if you only need the basics when it comes to screen captures.  Of course if you really want a strong program to do more then the pro version is just the thing for you.  http://www.wisdom-soft.com/ for both the free version and the pro version.

ScreenHunter 5.0 Free is a completely free screen capture software for you to easily take screenshots.
Please tell all your friends and colleagues about ScreenHunter. So they can get it too!
ScreenHunter 5 Free is free for unlimited personal and business use. It has no expiration date and can be distributed with free of charge.
Note to software companies and publishers:
ScreenHunter 5 Free is completely free to be included on your products, publication, CD-ROMs and on your website.

Pro Version

The pro version has more controls and is well worth the cost if you need more than the free version offers.


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Saturday, January 12, 2008

Testing BlogJet

I have installed an interesting application - BlogJet. It's a cool Windows client for my blog tool (as well as for other tools). Get your copy here: http://blogjet.com

"Computers are incredibly fast, accurate and stupid; humans are incredibly slow, inaccurate and brilliant; together they are powerful beyond imagination." -- Albert Einstein

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Ten Great Ways to Organize your My Documents and Favorites!

If your My Documents and Favorites are just one big mess, you really need this site. If you're pretty well organized, you'll enjoy a few new ideas to get better organized.

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